Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Our internationally recognized Microbiology laboratory falls under the auspices of the Science and Technology Division. With over 20 tests accredited to ISO 17025 by the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), we support food processors aiming for export markets. Testing of products at our Microbiology laboratory will assist food processors in accessing over 80 markets worldwide. Our main focus is to test food, non food and environmental samples for micro-organisms.
The testing services of the laboratory seek to confirm the presence of micro-organisms such as E. coli and Salmonella, which can result in several forms of gastrointestinal illnesses. Testing is also done to detect extraneous matter in products. The lab works off the how-much-how-dangerous principle and not only helps in ensuring safe foods and products for the Jamaican consumer, but it also aids in the maintenance and protection of brand Jamaica.
Testing commodities for compliance with the Standards Act and the Processed Foods Act
Providing technical information for the preparation of Jamaican Standard Specifications
The provision of microbiological services for other departments of the BSJ
Assisting Government or Government agencies by providing testing facilities and technical advice for assessing products to be imported and for development of new local products
Assistance to the consumer by carrying out laboratory investigations of complaints routed to the laboratory
Providing assistance to industry by: performing quality control tests; providing technical advice for solving problems encountered
Providing training for quality control/industry personnel; Microbiological and or micro-analytical analyses are conducted on water, beverages, processed, food, unprocessed food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, disinfectants and miscellaneous commodities.
Tests offered
Canned Processed Food - Commercial Sterility, pH, Extraneous Matter
Syrups/Honey/Sugar/Molasses - Aerobic Plate Count, Osmophilic Yeast and Mould Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Sauces - Yeast Viability, Howard Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Jams, Jellies - Howard Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Juices - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Seasonings - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Yeast Viability, Extraneous Matter
Vinegar - Extraneous Matter
Juice Concentrates - Aerobic Plate Count, Osmophilic Yeast and Mould Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Howard Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Baked Goods - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Water - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, Faecal Streptococci, P. aeruginosa Count, E. coli, Salmonella detection
Meat - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, S. aureus Count, Listeria Detection, Salmonella Detection, Yeast & Mould Count
Toiletries - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Detection, S. aureus Detection, Yeast and Mould Count
Flour - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Ice Cream - Aerobic Plate Count, Coliform Count
Oil (for consumption) - Aerobic Plate Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Pharmaceuticals - Aerobic Plate Count, Yeast & Mould Count, E. coli Detection, S. aureus, Salmonella & P. aeruginosa Detection, Sterility
Cannabis and cannabis products - Aerobic Plate Count, Yeast & Mould Count, E. coli Detection, S. aureus, Salmonella & P. aeruginosa Detection, Bile Tolerant Gram Negative organisms, Extraneous Matter
Antibacterial Soaps/Sanitizers - Bacterial Inhibition Tests
Beer - Aerobic Plate Count, Lactobacillus Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Extraneous Matter
Cocoa Powder - Aerobic Plate Count, MPN/ Coliform Count, Salmonella Detection, Yeast & Mould Count
Cosmetics - Aerobic Plate Count, Yeast & Mould Count, S. aureus Count, Sterility Test
Disinfectants - Use Dilution
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An Agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce