Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Government of Jamaica
Caribbean Bamboo Pulp and Paper, or Caribamboo has put its hat in the ring as a potential investor in the planned bamboo industry. Chief Executive Officer, David Stedeford, has been in Jamaica this month and recently held talks at the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ).
Caribamboo is one of several big players in the field of pulp and paper engineering, manufacturing, and marketing. Stedeford met with the BSJ Executive Director, Stephen Wedderburn as well as members of the BSJ’s Special Projects Division led by Director, Gladstone Rose and Ester Williams from the BSJ’s Regional & International Office.
Caribbean Bamboo Pulp and Paper will be looking to build the first fully integrated Bamboo Market Pulp Mill outside of Asia. The project is aimed at primarily providing raw materials for the manufacture of 4 principal grades of tissue based products: domestic towels, napkins, diapers and facial/hankies.
The tissue business is characterized by continuous growth and much less cyclical variation than many other businesses, which explains why tissue is attracting new investors. The plant will be developed by a team with proven experience and credentials in ‘Greenfield’ Projects. The project will also see the installation of world class proven ‘green’ pulping extrusion technology and processes. The project is slated to cost US $100 million.
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