Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Government of Jamaica
WTO members began carrying forward their new 2019-2021 work plan to review the operation and implementation of the WTO’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). In line with the work plan, two thematic sessions on good regulatory practices and conformity assessment procedures were held on 5 March at WTO headquarters. Members then convened a regular meeting of the TBT committee on 6-7 March, where they discussed 59 TBT-related trade concerns, 11 of which were addressed for the first time.
Throughout two-day TBT committee meeting, WTO members discussed 59 specific trade concerns, including 11 new concerns. One of them involved Jamaica: The Dominican Republic was concerned that Jamaica's prohibition on the production and importation of single-use plastic products could be discriminatory and lead to inconsistencies. It also considered the prohibition itself to be more trade-restrictive than necessary given that less restrictive alternatives exist for attaining the policy objectives of regulating plastic products.
Jamaica said it would reflect on the Dominican Republic's concerns and revert back with a more substantive response at a later stage.
To read more on the sessions held by the WTO as well as the regular meetings of the TBT committee in early March, click here: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news19_e/tbt_07mar19_e.htm
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